3 Reasons to Get an Uncontested Divorce in Alabama

Legally speaking, there are two kinds of divorce in Alabama: contested and uncontested. Contested divorce is probably what comes to mind when you hear the word “divorce.” It involves two spouses, each represented by their attorneys, arguing their side in front of a Judge who ultimately rules about how much money each spouse gets and who gets to keep the kids during the week. Contested divorce is every newlywed Read More

What to Do if You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing Homes should always be a safe and secure place for your loved one to be taken care of as they grow old. Unfortunately, we know now that is not always the case. All too often, elders in our community are victims of Nursing Home Abuse. They often are not able to speak the truth to those around them. If you have a loved one in a Nursing Home, it is important to often check in on them and look for any warning Read More

5 Tips for Better Communication with Your Ex

Sometimes parents think that once their divorce is finalized, they will never have to speak to their ex again. This is not the case. When you have children together, your ex becomes your co-parent after a divorce, and your focus becomes on working together to take care of your child. This means that communication is more important than ever with your co-parent - even though it might not be easy. We know that Read More

What You Can Do if a Loved One is Arrested

It’s one of the calls that no one ever wants to receive: finding out that their loved one has been arrested. Whether it is a friend or family, it is a harrowing thing to find out. No matter the circumstances, we know that it can be shocking, frightening, and overwhelming hearing the news. It is important to remember that you are not helpless and the most important thing at all times is making sure that your loved one Read More

The Top 6 Myths About Divorce

Getting a divorce is a serious decision that requires significant consideration. Sometimes, however, hearing false information can negatively color people’s opinions. Everyone has some sort of idea about divorce, and plenty of them are wrong. The fact of the matter is that divorce is a healthy, everyday process for couples who should not be together to regain the independence they deeply need. It is not a moral Read More

You Just Got Served Divorce Papers. What Happens Now?

Sometimes you see it coming and sometimes you are completely blindsided. If you are reading this, you may have just been served divorce papers from your spouse. We know that this can be a shocking moment. What is most important right away is not to shut down and instead to take a moment to process everything. Do not try to reach out to your spouse immediately in a fit of emotion. Make sure to take time for yourself Read More

Can You Sue a Minor for Damages in a Personal Injury Case?

What happens if you are injured in an accident by a minor? Can you still sue them to obtain damages and medical financial help if they are under the age of eighteen? This is a complicated matter and not one with a definitive one-size-fits-all answer. Obviously, most children have little to no money. There is no point in suing an eight-year-old for their allowance money. That does not mean, however, that there is no Read More

7 Tips for Safe Driving

Whether you’ve been driving for decades or today is your first day, you know that it isn’t always easy on the road. For as much as we all drive - several times every day for a lot of us - driving an automobile can be a demanding and frightening experience. It’s easy to treat it as an everyday occurrence and not stay on your best proactive driving behavior. It’s important to respect the road and the other drivers Read More

Is it Time to Get a Divorce?

The New Year is the time where most people assess where their life is and what direction they want to move in going forward. You’ve successfully survived the holidays, and now you’re looking at a vast landscape of time and wondering what you should make out of it. For many couples, this is the time that they decide to get a divorce. Divorce is a long and complicated process. It is not something to be taken Read More

5 Ways Divorce Affects Adult Children

Most parents' first thought in a divorce is not about them, but about their children. How a child can be emotionally affected by a divorce is a major concern for all parents, especially those who were children of divorce themselves. Some couples even “stay together for the kids” - until the kids are all out of the house or in college, and then they move forward with their divorce. When it comes to adult children, Read More