When you file a claim with your insurance company, they may want to investigate what happened before they make any sort of payment. They do this to help reduce the risk of insurance fraud and to lower the amount they have to pay out. Their investigation is performed by someone known as an insurance adjuster who will come out and talk with you about what happened and look at the damage that is involved with the claim. Read More
5 Ways to Limit Divorce Stress
Going through a divorce is a stressful experience. While you may not be able to avoid the added stress that comes with a divorce, there are a variety of things you can do to reduce the overall stress levels in your life and put your mind and body in a position to deal with existing stress in a healthy way. The following are five proven ways to reduce the stress in your life while going through a divorce. Start (or Read More
Stop the Violence: What to Do if You are a Victim of Domestic Abuse
Domestic violence is a terrible crime, and one that can affect you not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. If you have children, the abuse can quickly turn on them as well. Even if your partner never physically hurts the children, they are also victims because they have to witness these types of events. While it can sometimes seem hopeless, there are things you can do to protect yourself and your Read More
Injured in a Slip-and-Fall? 5 Steps to Take Immediately to Protect Your Claim
Slip and fall injuries occur suddenly and can cause very serious damage to your body. If you or a loved one has experienced this type of accident, you need to make sure you are taking the right steps to not only recover medically, but also protect your legal rights. In many instances, slip-and-fall accidents are caused by the negligence of another party, and you can file a lawsuit to get compensated for your injuries Read More
Pulled Over for a DUI? Here’s What to Expect
If you’re driving and see the blue and red lights flashing in the rear view mirror, it can be a very frightening experience. This is compounded if you have been drinking, or even if the officer just suspects that you have. Whether you were drinking or not, knowing what to expect when pulled over on suspicion of a DUI is key so you can get the best result possible. Your actions at this time will not only determine Read More
How an Attorney Can Help You File an Insurance Claim
If you have been injured in an auto, slip and fall, or some other type of accident, it may be possible to file a claim with the insurance company. The insurance company is there to step in and cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and a variety of other things that resulted from the incident in question. While most people are used to filing simple claims with insurance companies to deal with damage to their Read More
Understanding Punitive Damages
If you experience a personal injury, you likely know that you may be able to be compensated for the event through the courts. If you are able to prove neglect, you can often receive damages that are designed to help get you back to where you were before the injury. These damages are known as compensatory damages and should cover things like medical expenses, missed work, rehabilitation, and more. In some cases, Read More
Injured in an Accident? 5 Tips for Negotiating with the Insurance Company
If you or a loved one has been injured in some type of accident due to another party’s negligence, you may be entitled to damages. In most cases, the other party’s insurance company is going to be who you actually have to make the claim against. In most cases, these insurance companies are either going to try to deny your claim or make you very low offers to settle the case so they can eliminate their risk. This type Read More
4 Ways to Financially Prepare Yourself for Divorce
There is really nothing easy about coming to the conclusion that your marriage is ending and it is time to seek a divorce. As you approach this event, however, it is important to take a step back and think about how it is going to impact your finances during and after the divorce process. Many people don’t realize it, but divorce is one of the top causes of bankruptcy, which is why it is so critical to start Read More
Hurt at Work? Take These 5 Steps Next
Experiencing a serious injury in any situation is going to be a cause for concern, but when it is in the workplace it will be especially worrying. If this happens to you or a loved one, it is critical that you take the right steps not only to ensure you recover properly, but also to protect your legal rights. By taking the following steps, you will be protecting your rights to workman’s compensation benefits, and if Read More