An Overview of Traumatic Brain Injuries

When it comes to personal injuries, few things are as serious as the potential for a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A TBI is considered any incident that causes temporary or permanent disruption of brain function. Fortunately, concussions, which are classified as mild TBIs, make up the majority (roughly 75 percent) of all TBIs suffered annually. Still, severe concussions can cause loss of consciousness and take weeks to recover from.

Overall, TBIs can have severe, long-lasting impacts on victims and their families. Sometimes, the effects of a traumatic brain injury can be permanent. Below are some of the main classifications of TBIs. 


Again, this is the mildest type of TBI. Symptoms of a concussion include confusion, slurring of words, severe headaches, unsteady gait, and vomiting. Temporary loss of consciousness can also occur. Concussions are classified as mild, moderate or severe; the severity of symptoms dictates the concussion grade in each particular case. 


A contusion is also known as a brain bruise. A contusion occurs when one’s brain bounces around and makes forceful contact with the inside of the skull, which is the bone that protects the brain. Symptoms of contusions include cognitive changes, like reduced intelligence, numbness or tingling near the spot of the injury, and difficulty speaking or moving. Like concussions, contusions are often the result of a fall or something striking the head, but contusions are known as a more localized traumatic brain injury. 

Penetrating Injury

Gunshot wounds are the most common cause of this type of TBI. A penetrating injury, also referred to as an open TBI, occurs when something penetrates the skull and makes physical contact with the brain. These often result in severe bleeding, clots, and, unfortunately, death. 

Diffuse Axonal Injury

This type of traumatic brain injury is often the result of a car accident. A DAI happens when there is acceleration and deceleration of the brain, resulting in tiny lesions in the brain’s white matter. DAIs can cause drastic mood changes and cognitive decline. Due to the nature of the injury, it can take time for a diffuse axonal injury to fully present itself. 

How a Qualified Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

After you or someone you love has suffered a traumatic brain injury, priority number one is to seek emergency medical care. Once the victim has been stabilized, the long road to recovery begins. If a preventable accident has caused a TBI that has affected you or your family, John M. Totten, P.C. Attorney at Law can help you get the insurance payout you deserve. 

Medical costs and lost wages can add up quickly and cause extreme financial hardships. For an experienced attorney who has experience getting victims and victims’ families compensation after the negligent actions of another party, contact us today and get started with a free consultation.

John M. Totten