Don’t Get Hoodwinked by Insurance Companies: 5 Things You Should Know if You are Considering Settling

If you or a loved one has been experienced an injury due to the negligence of another party, you will undoubtedly be speaking to the representatives of an insurance company very soon. These individuals will stop at nothing to try to get you to settle your case as quickly as possible so they can control the payout amount, and other details, of the case. The fact is, however, that settling quickly is almost never in your best interests. Read on to see some of the many ways that insurance companies will try to push those with injuries toward settlements, and why it is so important to work with an attorney on your case.

How Insurance Companies Manipulate Victims Into Settlement

  • Offer “Limited Time Only” Settlements –  Insurance companies will often offer people a settlement with the contingency that you must accept it within a short period of time, or it will be “off the table.” This is an attempt to get people to settle without talking with an attorney.
  • Record Conversations – You should assume that every conversation you have with the insurance company is recorded. They will often try to use what you say on the phone, or in person, against you in court, or in settlement negotiations. This is why it is best to just let your attorney do all the talking.
  • Delay Proceedings – Insurance companies know that people are more likely to accept a settlement if they think it will take years to get their money by going to court. With this in mind, they will often work to delay cases to induce additional worry and anxiety into the clients.
  • Focusing on Your Recovery – it is certainly not beneath an insurance company representative to try to tell you that if you settle now, you’ll have the money you need to cover all your medical treatments and rehab. Implying that without a settlement, you won’t get proper care, may be unethical, but it isn’t illegal.
  • Lie About Your Prospects – When talking to the victim of an accident, they will also try to act like they have your best interests in mind when telling you that your prospects of a large settlement are small. They may even say that they will ‘push your settlement through’ so you can get as much as possible. Remember, their job is to minimize the payouts on claims, NOT to help you with your case!

Get the Help You Need Today

Dealing with insurance companies after an injury can add a lot of stress on to your already difficult situation. In most cases, you aren’t going to be in a good position to stand firm for your own best interests, which is why it is so important to have an attorney fighting for you. Contact John M. Totten to discuss your situation, and have us begin fighting for your rights right away.

John M. Totten