5 Reasons You May Be Denied Your SSDI

When applying for disability benefits through the social security system, you need to do everything you can to ensure everything goes smoothly. By taking the time to ensure your application is completed correctly and all the necessary steps are done successfully, you will maximize your chances at getting approved. There are, however, quite a few reasons why you may be denied disability benefits, including those listed below. But just because you are denied doesn’t mean you are out of luck; you can appeal a denial and fight for your rights.  

Your Income is Too High

One reason that people get denied for SSDI benefits is because their current income is too high. Disability insurance is intended to help people who are unable to work enough to support themselves. If you become disabled but are able to transition into another role that pays $1,180 per month (as of 2018), you won’t qualify for disability in most cases.

You are Unreachable

After you have submitted your application, you need to make sure the people at the SSDI can reach you. This is done by providing them with your correct phone number and address when you apply, updating them with any changes to your contact information, and most importantly, answering the phone when they call. If you do miss a call, make sure to call them back right away.

You Aren’t Following Prescribed Therapy

In some cases, a disability can be fixed or improved through specific therapies. If your doctor prescribes a therapy that they believe will help but you refuse to follow their instructions, you will likely get denied SSDI benefits. If you are already receiving SSDI benefits and then stop doing therapy, your benefits can be canceled.

Fraudulent or Inaccurate Application

If you fill out the application improperly, it will almost always result in either a denial of the application, or if it is approved, a cancellation when the false information is discovered. If they find that the information included in the application was intentionally incorrect, there could be legal action taken against you. Even if it’s accidental, t will likely result in a denial, delay, or cancellation of your benefits until the problem can be resolved. This is why it is very important to ensure everything is done properly when applying.

Alcohol or Drug Addiction Led to Disability

If your disability is caused or exacerbated by either alcoholism or drug addiction, your application may be denied. There are exceptions to this rule, but in most cases,  it is far more difficult to get disability insurance benefits when you are struggling with these types of issues.

No matter the reason for a denial, it is a good idea to have an attorney review your case to see if you may be able to successfully appeal. Of course, it is best to have an attorney work with you from the beginning so you can avoid many potential issues before they come up. Contact John M. Totten to discuss all your options today.

John M. Totten